A Spotlight on Camper Care by Elisheva Layman

I have had the privilege of working in the Tikvah (inclusion) program at Camp Ramah in New England since the kayitz (summer) of 2008. As a madricha (counselor), rosh edah (division head) and now Tikvah Director, the Tikvah program is definitely my favorite part of camp. Here at Ramah DC, we value camper care and inclusion, above all else. We prioritize the health and safety of our hanichim (campers) and we take the approach that each camper should be seen and treated as an individual. We have an amazing team of yoetzim (parent liaisons) who work closely with our tzevet (staff) and families to ensure that each camper is getting the support that they need and deserve. Some of our tzevet work as one-to-one shadows and the rest of our tzevet are trained in best practices that ensure camper success.

One of the most special places in camp is our cheder menucha (break/sensory room). This is a room in our mercaz (central programming space) where campers can find a trampoline, bean bag chairs, calming lights and sensory toys to be used all around camp. Many hanichim frequent this space throughout each day to get a little break and reset for the rest of an amazing day at camp!
We are proud that we can support hanichim with a wide range of abilities and strengths. Our tzevet are trained to lookout for everyone in their kvutzah and to think creatively about how to solve a problem. If you ever have a question about how your hanich or hanicha is doing at camp- feel free to reach out to someone on our team!