All About Garinim

After a week and a half, Garinim has done so much! We spent the first week of camp getting to know each other and celebrating our first Shabbat together. The hanichim played lots of games to help them learn about each other. After making friends both in their kvutzot (groups) and the edah (division), they were up for the challenge when we asked them to create parsha skits last week in new groups. We gave them a quick summary and then just a few props that we found around the mahane, some paper, boxes, lanyards, and string. And they did a great job! They worked together to understand the parsha and create skits together and perform for the rest of the camp!

The last few days we have spent focusing on cooling off. The hanichim enjoyed our water relay races, boys vs girls, which ended in an exact tie! The hanichim and madrichim showed their ruach during the relays and good sportsmanship after! We all had a blast. We are looking forward to our late night tonight and to seeing all of the amazing talents our hanichim have!

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