Sha’ar Update – Week 3

Three weeks into the Sha’ar Program, our Hebrew immersion track in Shorashim (kindergarten and 1st grade), our campers are reporting feeling more comfortable in a Hebrew environment. While some of them are beginning to understand their counselors and friends who speak only in Hebrew, others are beginning to respond in Hebrew, as well. Without being prompted, one camper decided to count out his cookies at lunch and did so naturally using Hebrew numbers. Another camper asked his counselor: “where should I put my tik (Hebrew for bag)?” It is this kind of unconscious expression of Hebrew that shows real absorption after only a few weeks in an immersive environment. We are thrilled to have this group of pioneers with us in Sha’ar this year and are excited for another three weeks of Hebrew ahead.

Check out this short video of a Hebrew song and question/answer from Thursday’s Hebrew lesson:

And this 3-part video of a language game about things we have or things we are wearing:

Categories: Sha'ar, Shorashim, Yahadut