The Influence of Rikud

One of our primary goals at Ramah is to help hanichim discover new passions by introducing them to a variety of activities alongside professionals and enthusiasts. Our tzevet at Ramah Day Camp achieve this by bringing to their summer roles their full passions and talents, like Matan, who teaches rikud at Ramah Day Camp. Matan is an active member and choreographer in the Israeli dance community. He studied Israeli dance education for children through the Ma’agal Project and has taught rikud at several Jewish day schools and religious schools in greater Washington. He is committed to teaching hanichim both the skills of Israeli dance and the potential involvement they can have in the Israeli dance community. In his words:

“Israeli dance is a unique activity that Jewish day camps offer and I am so excited that we offer this to our campers here at Ramah Day Camp. All of the songs and dances that our hanichim participate in teach them about Israeli culture, reinforce Hebrew skills and allow them to express themselves in an energized way. By learning these popular dances, our hanichim are instantly part of a community with whom they share something exciting in common. Israeli dance has a vibrant following throughout the world including adult dancers, professionals, and schools and camps that implement Israeli dance into their programming. Teaching our hanichim these dances gives them more than just a fun chug at camp, but also introduces them to a community of young dancers across the globe.”


Categories: Program Highlights