Seven is an important number in Jewish tradition. It is the number of days of the week, weeks between Pesach and Shavuot, wraps of the tefillin around our arm, years in a shmitah (agricultural sabbatical) cycle, and more. The number symbolizes completion, rest, and blessing. Therefore, it feels fitting that seven weeks is also the length of our camp summer.
It is hard to capture the totality of emotions, blessing, and gratitude that I feel heading into our last day of kayitz (summer) 2022. I want to say a huge todah rabbah to all of our tzevet (staff) for their creativity, flexibility, and passion for Jewish education and community. I need to also acknowledge my amazing year-round team, Sharon, Lisa, and Mira, who make every day meaningful and joyful while reaching new heights with our camper care and communication. I want to especially recognize our madrichim (counselors) who are the heart of camp. Its been great to watch our tzevet foster curiosity, independence, and creativity in our chanichim (campers) and to see them reaching new heights together.
Finally, a giant todah rabbah to all of our chanichim. It has been truly amazing to see their growth each week. I loved watching them get up just a bit higher on the climbing wall each day, trying out a new sports (like Philly Kickball and Cricket), wrapping tefillin (especially our Nitzanim grade girls), keeping track of their belongings, helping a friend when they were in need, getting in the pool even when they were afraid and so much more. These are only a few examples of the blessings we experienced each day at Ramah. Thank you to all of you, our families, for trusting and partnering with us so we can set up our campers and staff for success. As we head into some much-needed rest after Friday, we do so with the understanding of the sacred bond and commitment that we created these past seven weeks! We can’t wait to see you back for kayitz 2023.