Yom Yisrael at Ramah Day Camp

On Wednesday, we celebrated Yom Yisrael (Israel Day)! We started our morning with rikud and camp-wide tefilah, followed by a “flight” to Israel. Our day was filled with Israel-themed activites like rikud, a medurah (campfire), omanut (arts and crafts) and an obstacle course, as well as an Israeli shuk in the afternoon.

At the medurah, we saw what it was like to be in a Bedouin Village. We learned some new Hebrew and Arabic words and made and ate pita! In omanut, we made tinfoil hamsas that are going to be displayed in our chadar ochel (dining hall). At the obstacle course, we learned about different places in Israel like Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, the Kineret, Eilat, the Negev, and Haifa, by completing obstacles associated with those places! For example, at the Dead Sea, since it’s the lowest places in the world, our obstacle was crawling under benches, and at the Kineret, we drank a cup of water!

In the afternoon, we were able to travel around the “shuk” (Israeli market), that featured more Israel-themed activities like gaga, a water-relay station, Israeli crafts, facepaint, Israeli sports, a “pin the city on the map” game where we had to guess the location of certain cities on the map of Israel, and sending letters to kids in Israel. Our shlichim will be taking the letters with them when they return to Israel.

We ended the day with visiting the kotel and writing notes to put in it. We had the best Yom Yisrael! Check out our facebook page to see photos from our fun day!

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